Blind Sight

I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’ 'Who are you, lord?' I asked. "And the voice replied, 'I am Jesus the Nazarene, the one you are persecuting.' Acts 22:7-8

I'd always read and heard about Saul persecuting Jews yet, never really connected the truth that  Saul himself was actually a Jew. Then to discover that Saul was not only a Jew but was trained and brought up in their laws and customs. Paul describes himself in Acts 22:

"I am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, and I was brought up and educated here in Jerusalem under Gamaliel. I became very zealous to honor God in everything I did, just like all of you today. As his student, I was carefully trained in our Jewish laws and customs. And I persecuted the followers of the Way, hounding some to death, arresting both men and women and throwing them in prison. Acts 22:3-4

I was surprised to read that Saul’s motivation in persecuting Jews was actually his desire to “honor God.” Even though it seemed he had a heart to honor God, it is clear that his actions didn't honor Him at all because Jesus tells Saul you are persecuting ME!!! In this encounter, Jesus reveals to Saul that He is God.

Saul’s encounter with Jesus left him blind but on his way to Damascus, he is met by a devout Jew, and follower of Jesus, named Ananias, who simply says to him “Saul receive your sight.” Instantly, Saul goes from being blind to seeing, from persecuting Jews to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Saul had one encounter with Jesus and now not only can he “see” in the natural, but now he has spiritual insight as well. He now sees that Jesus is God and by persecuting other Jews because of their belief in Him, he is persecuting Jesus and not honoring God at all. Wow! Such a powerful truth!

Persecution happens all over the world today and it’s not just the “big” things we consider to be terrible: racism, slavery, sex trafficking, terrorism. But, I believe this truth encompasses even our relationship with other believers.  What if more followers of Christ stopped tearing down other followers of Christ? What if the church stopped the backbiting, the gossiping, the ridiculing, etc..? What if the church truly awakened to the reality that when we tear down other believers we are actually persecuting Jesus?!

One encounter with Jesus can change our “sight.” It is only when we encounter Him that we begin to see clearly that its not solely our brother or sister we hurt or persecute, but it is our beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ, and that He lives in each and every one of us, His children!


Father, I thank you for opening blind eyes, naturally and spiritually. I thank you for spiritual insight and ask you to forgive me for tearing down others. Change my heart and my spiritual sight so that by the power of Your precious Holy Spirit I will begin to see my brothers and sisters the way You see them. In Jesus Name. Amen!

I wanna hear your thoughts! Comment below … what are some practical steps we can take to truly honor God in our relationship with other followers of Christ?