What fruit is coming from our lives and being poured into others? Sometimes we get our eyes focused on what "a package" "looks like instead of allowing its results and fruit to speak for themselves. I hear your Fruit!
Do you struggle receiving compliments? Do you put yourself down? When we are in Christ Jesus we are “one flesh” with Him! He isn’t putting us down, so we shouldn’t be putting ourselves down either!
There is NOTHING we experience, nothing we go through nor endure that has slipped past God, He is holding the universe by the power of HIS Word, You are “Held.”
The kind of "rest" found in Jesus can face difficulty, threats, fear and burdens with absolute bold faith and quiet confidence in God, with joy, hope and great peace to meet every challenge.
As we remain in Christ Jesus, the mistakes and messes we get ourselves into do not negate the promises of God over our lives. If He spoke it He will perform it as we surrender to Him and allow Him to fulfill His promise.
God wants us to be so confident of His Presence in the midst of our problem, in the midst of our storm or trial so that without complaining, we can thank God for the mountains and thank Him for the valleys, and thank Him for the storms. Thank You Jesus!
Worship creates an atmosphere that will thrust us from the atmosphere of difficulties, devastation, and confusion into an atmosphere of love, peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost.
If the measure of revelation of our loving Father comes in proportion to the measure of our desire to receive, let me ask you, how much do you long to receive?
Who or what are you agreeing with?Agreeing with God's plans and purposes for our lives is agreeing with His Word and His Word will always light our pathway and set us on a firm foundation.
Jesus love NEVER gives up on us. He doesn’t lose faith in us, in fact He IS FAITH in us, He is The author and finisher of our faith. When we remain in Christ, we remain in faith, hope and love and victory is assured!
Rejoicing in truth becomes difficult when we are faced with the decision of how to treat someone who has wronged us. They have chosen to rejoice (triumph) in injustice but will we choose to rejoice (triumph) in truth winning out in their life?
We mean the world to Jesus, literally! People are important to God. Jesus gave His Life for ALL mankind and God desires that we be mindful of others. Let's take a peek at some of Love's Ways.
God's love is perfect and all of His Ways are perfect. SO perfect in fact, that His Son Jesus "self(Less)ly" gave His Life for you and me. I wanna love others like God loves, and the only way that can happen is by the Grace God has given us through His Son Jesus Christ.
Is there a miracle harvest in obedience? Isaac obeyed God and stayed during a famine and God blessed and prospered him greatly, he harvested A HUNDRED TIMES MORE GRAIN THAN HE EVEN PLANTED. How awesome is that?!!
To allow sickness and disease to have its way in us without a fight, would be like carrying the greatest weapon of Healing in our arsenal and deciding not to use it. What kind of sense would that make? Jesus The Healer lives in us!