Love Never Gives Up

[Love] never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7

Love never gives up- Love bears all things. Many of us have had to bear pain we thought would be unbearable. God's love never gives up on us and His Love makes it possible for us to bear all things. In my first year of college, my boyfriend dived into a lake trying to save a friend from drowning and to my shock and horror that day, both he and his friend drowned. The loss and pain I felt at times seemed unbearable. There were moments I was angry with God, wrestling with why God allowed it. God's Love is so relentless, He never left me. In fact, I could feel Him drawing me to Him. In my heart I knew God was really the only One who even understood the depths of the pain I felt. He could handle every one of my emotions, which were a lot, yet through His Love I could bear all things. His love remained, His Presence often so tangible and available when I needed it most. Love never gives up.

Love never loses faith-Love believes all things. Believing is key to any pursuit, whether believing in someone, or a vision, a dream, no matter who or what it is. Faith remains in pursuit even through struggles and challenges, even when pushed to a breaking point. Jesus loves us so much and believes so much in our worth, He pursued us by giving His Life on a cross for our sins, saving us from ourselves and eternal death. Love never loses faith, Jesus went to that cross with no guarantee that all would even choose Him, yet He believed we were worth it. That's how much He loves you and me, that's how much He believes in our worth. Love believes all things.

Love is always hopeful- When we put our hope in Jesus, He anchors our soul, and His anchor is sure and steadfast! When you have Jesus you are NEVER without Hope! Love hopes all things.

Love endures through every circumstance- Love endures all things. Physical muscle is built in the gym, but spiritual muscles are built when we go through trials and testing of our faith. This is the place where we learn patience and endurance. It is the testing of our faith that produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-3 Love endures all things. Jesus endured the cross. Hebrews 12:2 and His endurance resulted in salvation being made available for all mankind. In Christ Jesus we can endure all things.


Jesus I thank You that through Your Love I can bear all things, I can believe all things, I can hope all things and I can endure all things. 

Let me hear from you - Please comment below! Share what Jesus' Love has helped you endure.