And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 2 Corinthians 6:16
Agreement is a powerful thing, it is a binding arrangement, a contract, a pact, a covenant. When I think about the power of agreement it really makes me ask myself, who or what am I coming into agreement with? This question could span across many scenarios but my focus this week is really on aligning our hearts and minds to agree with what God says about us, our families, our situations, even our nation and not what the enemy says.
What makes what we agree with so important is that once we agree with something or someone we walk out that contract or covenant, becoming responsible to fulfill our end of it, this is why "who or what" we agree with is so important. Agreeing with God's plans and purposes for our lives is agreeing with His Word and His Word will always light our pathway and set us on a firm foundation. When we allow negative thoughts and words to hang out a little too long in our headspace, we may find ourselves agreeing with them. For example, one may look in the mirror and think “oh I need to lose weight or I’m too fat” but did you know coming into agreement with that one thought has lead some to anorexia? The power is in the agreement. What is binding is the agreement.
God’s Word tells us what He believes about us and who we are, it tells us who He believes we can become. Coming into agreement with what God says about us is far more important than anything we think about ourselves, what we say about ourselves or even what others may say about us.
The enemy wants to tell us that we can’t get that job, when God is saying we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. The enemy wants to tell us we’re not smart enough when God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The enemy wants us thinking we’re unloved when God loves us FAR beyond any love we could ever know.
When we agree with God and His Word the power of agreement changes everything! It changes the way we think, the way we operate, the decisions we make, the way we love, it changes the life we live. We are the temple of the living God and how awesome to know that He dwells in us and walks among us.
God I thank you that I am Yours, I thank You that You live in me and walk among me, I thank You that You are my God. Help me to agree with what You say and align my life accordingly. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
Let me hear from you - Please comment below! Share a most recent verse in God’s Word that you're aligning and agreeing with for your now or future.