The Resurrected Life

For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 2 Corinthians 4:11

O Lord, what are human beings that You should notice them, mere mortals that You should think about them. Psalm 144:3

Are you living the resurrected life? I don’t know about you, but when I think of a “resurrected life” I look for something miraculous. I look for what was once impossible becoming possible. I think of the areas and things I want resurrected in my life, whether that be dreams, visions, finances, or relationships. I praise God all of these areas are definitely part of the resurrection. Yet this scripture paints a different type of death to Life picture, a picture that includes being constantly delivered over to death so Jesus' Life is seen in us.

Resurrection only happens when something or someone has actually died because we can’t see a resurrection without first seeing a death. Paul is speaking of the type of death to Life that comes from praying for things and including “not my will, but Thine be done.” This type of death is not a result of evil doing, but well doing. Jesus' Life is made manifest in our mortal bodies as we die daily to ourselves. Paul declared, “......I die daily” in 1 Corinthians 15:31.

We may not all be called to a ministry journey like Paul’s, but in following Jesus we must deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Luke 9:23. We are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake. For Paul, this was a life not “governed” by his own fleshly desires or his own stubborn-will, Paul’s life was a life of resurrection in The Resurrected One, our King Jesus.

How do we know we are living that resurrected life in Christ Jesus? Does our flesh dictate and rule our lives or do we allow The Spirit of God to lead, guide, and direct our path? Have we risen above offense and can we forgive? Do we allow the opinion of people to carry more weight than what God’s Word says about us or our situation? Have Jesus' desires actually become our very own desires? 

We know we’re living the resurrected life when what once held us, cannot hold us anymore. No grave held Jesus and no grave can hold us either. When Jesus’ Life is made manifest in our mortal body, He IS Resurrection from whatever once held us. True resurrection Life is found and lived in Christ Jesus, sometimes that resurrection can “look” like death, but we actually gain Christ. “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21


God I thank You that You are The Resurrection and The Life, I thank You that You choose to dwell in earthen vessels and mere mortals. Help me become a Life-giving spirit to others for Jesus’ sake. In The precious Name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

So let me hear from you- Please comment below! Are you living the resurrected life?