Promises Pt. 2

The angel of the LORD said to her, "Return to your mistress, and submit to her authority." Then he added, "I will give you more descendants than you can count." Genesis 16:9-10

And the angel also said, “You are now pregnant and will give birth to a son. You are to name him Ishmael (which means ‘God hears’), for the LORD has heard your cry of distress. Genesis 16:11

Last week I shared the story of Abraham and Sarah and we talked about God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises in our lives, we only need to put our trust in Him and be patient. But there was another person in this story that I wanna highlight this week.

What about Hagar, the handmaiden, who was given to Abraham as a wife to bear children for him? One who endured hardship by no fault of her own?  There is beauty in Hagar’s story, too! Out of her suffering, God also promised her something great! Her story doesn’t end with her dying in the desert!

The scripture says that after her encounter with the Angel of the Lord, Hagar called the Lord by a different name - “You are the God who sees me.” Genesis 16:13 But in vs. 11, the Angel of the Lord said that the Lord heard her affliction.  It’s a beautiful thing that God sees us where we are, but what I love most of all is that He hears. He hears more than what we often put in words. I believe we experience God’s mercy and grace from what God hears more often than what He sees.

Only God truly knows our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9-10  Man looks on the outward but God looks on the heart. 1Samuel 16:7  Sure, God saw Hagar in the desert, but He heard the boy crying. He saw Hagar running but He heard her cry for justice. He sees our troubles in life, too! But He also hears every cry of our soul and every desire to be rescued. And He is always there, ready to meet us declaring His promise over our lives!

In Genesis 21 we find out that the angel of the Lord met Hagar out in the wilderness and rescued her! He provided her a well of water in the desert, gave her hope for the future.

Have you ever experienced trouble that you didn’t even cause? You are not forgotten, be encouraged, God can bring promise out of your struggles!

Hagar was faithful to obey the word of the Lord and remained with Sarah and Abraham, no matter its challenges. God honored her by promising not only to give her more descendants than she could count, but that He would make them into a great nation! If you’re experiencing struggles in life, look to the Lord, put your trust in Him, and you WILL see that His word is true!


Father I thank you that you see my struggles and that you hear every cry of my heart. Give me grace to patiently endure. Speak your words of promise over my life and give me the faith to trust in your faithfulness to fulfill them. Thank you for your Grace and Mercy that extend beyond my circumstances. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Let me hear from you - Please comment below! If you believe this word and will begin to listen for God’s promises in the middle of your hardship, type: “God hears me."