By Grace

For by Grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

The Grace that comes through Jesus Christ is an unmerited favor, a favor we can’t even fathom. God’s Grace is so extravagant, so rich and abundant. He gives us much "more" than we deserve. We deserve death simply because of our sinful nature. But God in His extravagant Grace has not only given us Life, but life abundantly. In Ephesians 2:6 we learn that God has even seated us with Christ in Heavenly places! Wow, talk about going from rags to riches!

Where you may have felt hidden and insignificant, God's Grace can draw you out of obscurity and into your purpose. Just ask Him to give you grace to step out of the shadows. Where you have cried out for healing, God’s Grace can bring you into wholeness. Ask Him to give you grace to not give up and continue to trust that His Word is true. It is by Grace that we come out and it is by Grace we go into the “new.” A new door, a new assignment, even a new YOU! 

God’s grace is at work in your life all the time. Just waking up this morning with air in your lungs is His gift of grace at work in your life. We cannot boast or give ourselves a pat on the back about it. God's Grace has done it. 

We’ve been “Graced” to have “Faith”, it is because of God’s Grace that we even have faith in God. We cannot boast of our faith because even the measure we’ve been given has come from God. Romans 12:3  The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. If you need to nurture, strengthen and fortify your faith, READ YOUR BIBLE!

In Genesis chapters 15 through 17, God told Abraham, Sarah and even Hagar, that they all were receiving the blessings of descendants "more" than they could ever “produce” on their own. "More" than they could even count. This is the kind of extravagant Grace God is pouring out in the earth, this is the kind of miraculous Grace that will confound the wise even in the coming days. This Grace is saying "Yes" Jesus loves me, "Yes" Jesus loves you.


God I thank You for Your Divine, Miraculous Grace poured out upon my life today. I thank You that as Your daughter/son, Your Grace draws me out of a pit and into Your Palace of Abundance.

So talk to me, let me hear from ya - Please comment below! Share what God's Grace and Favor has done for you.