Let The Peace of God Rule

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

I think its safe to say we all enjoy a great atmosphere. The Christmas season, for me, has always been truly “the most wonderful time of the year” and right about now my atmosphere declares it! With Christmas trees, lights and music, its pretty amazing that Christmas even has its own aromas: apple, cinnamon, balsam firs, clove and ginger. The lights, music and aromas are all atmosphere changers and bring us into experiencing the Christmas season of peace, joy, family, friends and celebration.

There was a time many years ago when I would clean houses for people, as a way to financially support my work in ministry. I remember one particular family that often had much fighting going on in their home and they would make it home from work right around the time I was finishing up. I found it so amazing as I watched them experiencing the clean home, they would actually respond so differently to each other. They were calm and they were kind to one another. The fresh smell of cleaning detergents and laundry had all shifted the atmosphere of their home. I remember leaving their home that day thinking “Wow! Cleaning houses really is a ministry!” Haha

There is an atmosphere change that happens when we praise and worship our King, Jesus. He tells us in His word that the aroma of thankfulness and worship is a sweet smelling fragrance to Him and brings us into an experience and life-changing encounter with Him. He is our peace and this peace is not as the world gives, its a deep “inner” peace.

Jesus wants peace to RULE in our HEARTS, not just our outward atmospheres. When inner Peace is ruling in our hearts any good thing that happens to us on the outside is just a bonus. The truth is, when He is ruling on the inside, our outside has no choice but to eventually line up.

You cannot lose the peace that comes from Jesus unless you actually gave it away because Jesus said, “My Peace I leave with you.” This means you already carry His peace inside you and it can remain. So we can either choose to trust and follow Jesus and remain in peace or give our peace away by focusing on the troubles of this world. Ask yourself, “Is what I am worrying about worthy of me losing the peace that God has given me?" No! Nothing is worth that!


Jesus I thank you for this Christmas Season of peace, joy, and love, but I thank you most for the peace of God that rules and reigns inside me. You are My Peace, and I glorify and exalt Your matchless Name. Help me today and in every situation to “Let” Your Peace Rule. In Your Mighty Name Jesus I pray. Amen!

I wanna hear your thoughts - please comment below! Share some ways you let the peace of God rule in your life, family, and situations.