Don’t Fight The Journey!

When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” Matthew 2:14-15

Joseph and Mary were told by an angel to leave and go to Egypt, and that King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. So Joseph and Mary moved away from Bethlehem until King Herod died. There are times God will strategically move you, sometimes to protect you, sometimes to hide you, other times to nurture your growth, and still there are times He will move you to call you into your purpose and destiny. When we fight change, we could actually be fighting growth in our own journey. Think about it, if I’m driving from one city to another, yet fighting and refusing to go through all the small towns in between, this works against me making it to my destination right?!. Don’t fight the journey, enjoy the journey, and most of all ENJOY LIFE! You never know where it will take you.

I think about Moses and how Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, wanted to kill all Hebrew boys that were born and throw them in the Nile river. Moses is born and when his mother could no longer hide him, she sent him in a basket floating down the the nile river. The basket is spotted by Pharaoh’s “daughter,” who realizes Moses is a Hebrew child.  Moses' sister kept watch over the basket to see what would happen to Moses and she sees the princess asking her maid to pull the baby out of the water. Moses sister then approaches the princess and asks her if she would like a Hebrew woman to nurse the child. The princess agrees, so of course Moses sister presents Moses mother  to the Princess. Moses mother nurses her own baby even being paid by the princess for her help.

Moses remains safe and is raised right up under the nose of the very king who is trying to kill all male children. In fact, after Moses was finished nursing, the kings daughter adopted Him. Haha! So good!!

I'm amazed how God will keep you, hide you, nurture you, protect you, sustain you, raise you, and all because of His Love, His calling and purpose on your life and destiny. Praise be to God!!! Someone might feel while reading this devotion, “well, I didn’t have anyone to care for me," or “I’ve had to make it on my own.” Let me remind you of this awesome scripture that says, “When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me.” Psalm 27:10. I assure you that you are not doing life by yourself. When you have Jesus you have ALL that you need to fulfill your purpose and destiny!!!

God knows how to keep you! You were born on purpose for His Purpose, with gifting, calling, and destiny on your life. To fight against His purpose would be in vain. I realize many may not know what their purpose is, and that is why Jesus is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Finding your purpose starts and ends in Jesus. As we get to know Jesus everything that ever really matters in this life will come together by His divine hand and plan. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and when you find Jesus you find LIFE! And I’m talking about the ABUNDANT LIFE!

A Prayer of Salvation

Jesus I come to you today because I want to know you and experience the abundant life that comes from you. I ask you to please come into my life today, cleanse me of all my sins, wash me in the Blood of the Lamb. Transform me by the washing of Your word. Thank you for loving me, thank you for your grace. Teach me and help me grow daily in You and in Your ways, I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen!

I wanna hear from you - please comment below! Share some of the ways God has kept you, protected you, hid you, or nurtured you. Let me hear you testify!