We Have Come To Worship Him

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:1-2

It is beautiful to me reading about these “wise men”- first of all they went looking for Jesus, and with no other agenda but to “come and worship Him bringing gifts.” How often do we come into the house of God without any other agenda but to bring gifts and worship our King?

This may seem a bit cliche’ but Jesus really is "the reason for the season." He is the joy and peace we experience during the Christmas season. He brought joy to the world by being born The Word made flesh, taking our sins upon Himself and giving us the abundant life and the opportunity of an eternity with Him. I see these wise men worshipping and bringing gifts to Jesus modeling the model response to the King of kings and Lord of lords. They simply responded to Who Jesus IS! Our worshiping and bringing gifts should simply flow in response to our amazing Lord and King, Jesus. 

My entire life I’ve had the incredible privilege of spending time in the house of The Lord, whether as a member or minister, with a variety of different worship teams. And being in many different worship experiences throughout our nation and abroad, it is always refreshing to worship with other believers who have no other agenda but to worship Jesus.

Quite a number of years ago I lived in Houston, Texas and was blessed to be part of an amazing church. It was a season where I could be in worship without the role of leading others in worship. The church would pack out every service so I had to make an effort to get there early. But even when I didn’t make it into the main sanctuary, the worship and Presence of the Lord was so indescribable no matter where I was in the building. And without fail, I would weep and worship, worship and weep. I mean, throughout the entire worship experience! It was amazing to me that though there were thousands in the building, I felt as if it were just me and Jesus. I believe my weeping is simply part of my response to His Presence. I find myself freely giving of my time, my gifts, my finances, my talents for no other reason, but simply in response to my awesome King. I worship simply because of WHO HE IS! 

These wise men brought gifts and, after all, this is what you do when you come before a King, right?! And likewise for us, bringing gifts should equally be part of our worship to Him. Yes these gifts can mean offerings and money, but it’s also bringing gifts and talents God has given each of us, whether that be singing, hospitality, cooking, building or sales. All gifts can be used in worship to Jesus, to honor Him, and to bring Him glory. When we worship Jesus, we really are simply responding to WHO He IS. And He is Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace,...and so much more!!! How do you respond to the Greatest Gift ever given?


Thank You Father for the greatest gift ever given, our Savior Jesus Christ! We celebrate You, Jesus. We adore You and we come bringing gifts and have come to worship YOU this Christmas day!!!

I wanna hear from you - please comment below! Let me hear who Jesus is to you. Go ahead, you say "He is My........" GO!