I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” Psalms 16:8.
He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since He is Lord of heaven and earth, He doesn’t live in man-made temples. Acts 17:24
But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name. John 1:12
When we accept Jesus He comes to live and dwell inside of us! This means when you show up, there He is! He becomes our Lord, our Ruler and King! And we become His sons and daughters.
I believe we are not meant to operate apart from Our King, no more than Earth is meant to operate apart from Heaven. It’s a divine partnership! I’ve just recorded and released a new song titled Lord of Heaven Lord of Earth. It’s a song of celebration and declaration proclaiming Jesus, Lord of EVERYTHING!
I believe when we live our lives with Jesus ever before our face, and when we live yielded to His Lordship and Rulership, then the purpose HE has for us will be accomplished.
The very same Lord who created me, is the same Lord who is My Lord in Heaven. He is the same Lord who works in me and the same Lord who pours through me on Earth and into the lives of the broken and hurting. And though it is incomprehensible that King Jesus would even desire to live and work through broken people. The awesome news is Heaven can change Earth DAILY through you and me when we’re submitted to Jesus Lordship over our lives. We can actually demonstrate and display Heaven daily here on Earth.
You are not meant to live life apart from Jesus, but to actually be that vessel He can use here in the earth to spread His love, His peace, His Heart, and the very essence of His Presence being, as my spiritual father says, “Jesus with skin on.”
There is so much in the world that operates in lordship over our lives whether or not we even desire it. We have governments, pastors, leaders, parents and bosses which is why it is so vital we daily commune with Jesus, who is Lord of ALL! He has the final say over our lives. And I believe as we align ourselves to hear from Heaven, we operate so much better here in the earth realm.
A Prayer
Father thank you that you choose to dwell in broken vessels. Thank you that You choose to fill us with Your Love, Your Strength, and Your Power. We thank You Lord that it’s not by our might, not by our power, but it’s by Your Spirit! Use us today to pour Your Healing into broken lives and broken people. Lord, let Your healing flow. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!
I wanna hear your thoughts - please comment below! Share some of the very simple ways that you can be Jesus with skin on today and everyday.