And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever. John 14:16
And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31
It is often I catch a glimpse of the birds outside my living room window as they eat from the bird feeder I keep stocked. They’re always so loud - fluttering, singing and chirping - at times it sounds like they’re having a party out there; a party with no adults because they manage to get food all over my balcony deck.
The bird feeder was absolutely made for the smaller birds because they fit perfectly on the feeder. They can perch with plenty of room to eat and enjoy; they could actually fit maybe 3 to 4 more of their little bird friends, and I do emphasize “little”. Unfortunately, the little birds don’t always get the opportunity for a “little” bird party because out of no where, these huge gray and white doves come flying in and try to stand on the bird feeder to eat. Of course, they are way too big to be held in such a small space so the next thing I know the bird feeder is shaken up and it starts swinging back and forth. Because of the “weightiness” of the doves, food starts flying everywhere and I’m stuck with a huge mess to clean up. Although, I must say, I appreciate this obnoxious lil squirrel that comes along and devours every single crumb that falls on the balcony floor. At least it’s keeping him from attempting to join the party above as well. Haha!
In Scripture, the Dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit for followers of Christ. The Bible declares Holy Spirit is our Helper, our Comforter And while dealing with these doves on my balcony, I couldn’t help but think about when Holy Spirit filled the room and begin shaking things up while believers were assembled and praying, in Acts 4:31. Holy Spirit desires to be part of even the most intricate parts of our lives, and yes, even a meal.
These doves on my balcony displayed a great visual picture of what happens when we allow Holy Spirit to come and work in our lives - the “weightiness” of His Glory will shake things up. He doesn’t always fit in our little boxes:
- boxes of limited thinking
- boxes of limited vision
- boxes of limited supply
Often while He’s at work, all we can see sometimes is a big huge mess. But as this scripture shows, the work of Holy Spirit resulted in great “boldness” in the disciples and His work does the same in us. Just as they left that room to share Jesus to the world with BOLDNESS, He awakens boldness in us so we can share Jesus with OUR world.
I challenge you to allow Holy Spirit to work in your life, to shake things up. Yes, it may look messy at times, but you will come out with boldness. I guarantee that if you let Him, He will turn your mess into a message, even into miracles!
A Prayer
Jesus I thank you that when I allow you to fill my life you turn my mess into a message. I thank you for leaving your Holy Spirit to help me. Thank you for boldness to declare Your Great Name throughout the earth. I declare You Lord of Heaven, Lord of earth, and Lord over me.
It’s all In Your Name Jesus I pray, Amen!
Let me hear your thoughts - please comment below! And share some of the awesome work Holy Spirit has done in your life.