On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2
There is a “suddenly” coming your way this year, and it’s a good one! I know I can recount some “suddenly” moments in my life that were amazingly unforgettable. You think something is headed in one direction when suddenly there's a turn and things go a different way, often far surpassing what I had in mind. God truly does do exceedingly, abundantly, ABOVE all we could ask or think, according to His power working in us. (Ephesians. 3:20) And I know He’s ready to show Himself strong in your life and on your behalf this year.
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb, probably to mourn their friend Jesus, when suddenly there was a great earthquake. An angel of the Lord descended from heaven and rolled back the stone and sat on it. The bible says of the angel that his appearance was like lightning, and his clothing, white as snow. The guards of the tomb trembled and became like dead men at the sight of the angel.
The angel tells the two Mary’s not to be afraid, that he knew they came seeking Jesus but that He was not there and had risen. After inviting them to come and see where He lay, the angel tells them to let the disciples know that He has risen from the dead and has gone ahead of them into Galilee.
Can you just imagine the joy these ladies felt?! Knowing their friend, Jesus, was alive and well?! See, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary probably came to the tomb to weep, to mourn and to “pay their respects” to their friend when “suddenly” they find out He is not dead. They leave overjoyed! And “suddenly” Jesus meets them on the road to Galilee, saying, “Rejoice!" I can just picture their amazing reunion!
I believe God has this type of “suddenly” for you and me. There may be a situation you face that seems impossible, but no matter how dark or dim it may appear, God has already gone ahead of it! He is ready to meet it, even with a “suddenly.” His love for you and me is just so indescribably perfect. His ways and His timing let us know we can trust Him to step into our circumstances. And I declare His "suddenly" will meet you right when and where you need it most, right in a place that may even appear dead. He’s got a suddenly for you. Believe it, receive it, expect it!
Father I thank you that you do exceedingly, abundantly, more than I could ask or think. I thank you that in situations that appear impossible you suddenly show yourself strong on my behalf. Thank you for loving me with Your unconditional perfect love. Thank you for the “suddenlies” that are coming into my life this year by Your Spirit. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray. Amen!
Let me hear from you - please comment below! Share and encourage someone with a “suddenly” story you’ve experienced.